Synopsis n° 2001/015

25 January 2001


            The Committee on Culture, Science and Education continuing its meeting in Strasbourg on 25 January 2001, under the chairmainship of Mr Rakhansky:

-         appointed the following Sub-Committees (subject to the authorisation of the Assembly Bureau for a fourth sub-committee):

Sub-Committee on the Architectural Heritage:

Chairman: Hadjidemetriou; Vice-Chairman: Legendre, Agudo, Baciu (alt.:            Berceanu), Billing, Castro (alt.: de Puig), Higgins, Ivanov, Katseli, Lemoine (alt.: Bockel), Libicki, Lucyga, Nagy, O’Hara (alt.: Cryer), Pinggera (alt.: Risari), Roseta, (alt.: Troncho), Saglam, Stepova (alt.: Nemcova), Valk, Wilshire (alt.: Jackson), Rakhansky (ex officio);

Sub-Committee on Science and Ethics:

Chairman: Birraux (alt : Mattei) ; Vice-Chairman: Plattner, Asciak, Cherribi, Damanaki, Duka-Zolyomi, Fernandez-Capel (alt.: Varela), Hadjidemetriou, Jackson, Kiely, Lekberg, Liiv, Lotz, Wittbrodt (alt.: Luczak), McNamara (alt.:             O’Hara), Marmazov, Martelli (alt.: Turini), Mateju (alt.: Jarab), Saglam, Tiuri (alt.: Isohookana), Troncho (alt.: Roseta), Wodarg, Rakhansky (ex officio)

Sub-Committee on the Media:

Chair: Isohookana-Asunmaa; Vice-Chair: Urbanczyk, Cherribi, Diaz De Mera (alt : de Puig), Gnaga (alt.: Risari), Hancock (alt.: Cryer), Hegyi, Higgins, Ivanov, (alt.: Poptodorova), Jarab (alt.: Mateju), Katseli, Kutraite Giedraitiene, Lekberg (alt.: Billing), Lemoine, Lucyga, Medeiros Ferreira, Symonenko, Tanik, Varela, Rakhansky (ex officio);

Sub-Committee on Youth and Sport:

Chairman: Jakic; Vice-Chairman: Valk, Arkhlediani, Gnaga, Granlund, Jäger, Kalkan, Kiely, Martelli (alt.: Olivo), Mignon, Nemcova (alt.: Stepova), Schweitzer, Smirlis, Smorawinski (alt.: Luczak), Dias, Agudo (alt.: Diaz de Mera), Wilshire (alt.: Hancock), Rakhansky (ex officio);

-         discussed its mandate and its work programme further to the merger of the Committee of Science and Technology with the Committee on Culture and Education and appointed or re-appointed rapporteurs and designated representatives to forthcoming meetings;

-         heard presentations by MM. Weber, Titz and Bergan (DG IV) on on-going activities of the CDCC and its specialised committees and in particular on forthcoming meetings of the CDCC, CC-PAT and CC-CULT;

-         took note of an update by Mr Jarab on the situation of the media in the Czech Republic;

-         decided to hold its next meeting in Paris on Monday 12 March 2001.


The Sub-Committee on the Cultural Heritage, meeting in Strasbourg on 25 January 2001 under the chairmanship of Mr Rakhansky:

-         elected Mr Hadjidemetriou Chairman by acclamation;

-         elected Mr Legendre Vice-Chairman by acclamation;

-         left it to the Chairman to decide on the date and place of its next meeting.


The Sub-Committee on Science and Ethics, meeting in Strasbourg on 25 January 2001 under the chairmanship of Mr Rakhansky:

-         elected Mr Birraux Chairman by acclamation;

-         elected Mr Plattner Vice-Chairman by acclamation;

-         decided to hold its next meeting in Paris on Monday 12 March 2001 after the meeting of the full Committee.


The Sub-Committee on the Media, meeting in Strasbourg on 25 January 2001 under the chairmanship of Mr Rakhansky:

-         elected Mrs Isohookana-Asunmaa Chairperson by acclamation;

-         elected Mr Urbanczyk Vice-Chairman;

-         left it to the Chairman to decide on the date and place of its next meeting.


The Sub-Committee on Youth and Sport, meeting in Strasbourg on 25 January 2001 under the chairmanship of Mr Rakhansky:

-         elected Mr Jakic Chairman;

-         elected Mr Valk Vice-Chairman by acclamation;

-         left it to the Chairman to decide on the date and place of its next meeting.


João Ary