Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly

Synopsis No 2000/174

4 December 2000


The Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, meeting in Paris on 27 November 2000 with Mr Jansson in the Chair, as regards:

-        Internet and law (Rapporteur: Mr Tallo, Estonia, SOC): considered an introductory memorandum submitted by the Rapporteur; asked the Rapporteur to submit proposals for the organisation of a hearing on the legal problems posed by Internet, and decided to ask that the report be withdrawn from the agenda of the January 2001 session;

-        Co-existence of the Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the European Convention on Human Rights (Rapporteur: Mr Holovaty, Ukraine, LDR): considered an introductory memorandum submitted by the Rapporteur and instructed him to present a preliminary draft resolution/recommendation at a forthcoming meeting;

-        European Conference against Racism (Strasbourg, 11-13 October 2000) (Rapporteur: Mr McNamara, United Kingdom, SOC):  heard a statement by the Rapporteur on the Conference;

-        Bosnia and Herzegovina's request for membership of the Council of Europe (Rapporteur for opinion: Mrs Jäätteenmäki, Finland, LDR): in the absence of the Rapporteur, heard a report by Mr Akçali on the general elections held on 11 November 2000, as well as a message from Mrs Filipovic on behalf of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina; and authorised the Rapporteur to go to the country with the Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee, subject to the agreement of the Bureau of the Assembly;

-        Compensation for Croatian and Bosnian investors in the former Ljubljanska   Banka AG, Slovenia (Rapporteur: Mr Jurgens, Netherlands, SOC): decided to change the title of the report to «Compensation for non-Slovenian investors in the former Ljubljanska Banka»;

-        Monaco's request for membership of the Council of Europe (Rapporteur for opinion: Lord Kirkhill, United Kingdom, SOC): considered an introductory memorandum; held an exchange of views; and authorised the Rapporteur to go again to the country, in particular to meet the Minister of State and representatives of the National Council, subject to the agreement of the Bureau of the Assembly;

-        Azerbaijan's request for membership of the Council of Europe (Rapporteur for opinion: Mr Clerfayt, Belgium, LDR): heard a statement on the parliamentary elections held on 5 November 2000 and on the situation of political prisoners; heard a statement by the Chairperson on the state of the accession procedure of the country; decided to hold, at its next meeting, an exchange of views on the situation of political prisoners with members of the Azerbaijan Special Guest delegation; and instructed its Chairperson to write to the President of the Assembly to ask that the Committee be informed of the reply of the Azerbaijan government to the requests of the Committee of Ministers regarding the elections;

-        European Commission for Democracy through Law ("Venice Commission") (Representative of the Committee: Mr Jurgens, Netherlands, SOC): considered an introductory memorandum submitted by the representative of the Committee and held an exchange of views on the composition of the Venice Commission;

-        Appointment of rapporteurs:

i.          Conditions of detention in Council of Europe member States: Mrs Wohlwend (Liechtenstein, EPP/CD)

ii.        Draft Convention on Cyber-crime: Mr Tallo (Estonia, SOC)

iii.      Religious freedom and religious minorities in France: Mr Akçali (Turkey, EGD)

-        Situation in Belarus (Rapporteur for opinion: Mr Svoboda, Czech Republic, EPP/CD): in the absence of the Rapporteur, heard a statement by Mr Akçali on the elections held on 15 October 2000; authorised the Rapporteur to go to the country with the Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee, subject to the agreement of the Bureau of the Assembly; decided to organise jointly with the Political Affairs Committee an exchange of views with representatives of the "Parliament" of Belarus and of the opposition during the January 2001 part-session;

-        Practical assistance to the Palestinian National Authority (Rapporteur: Mr Lintner, Germany, EPP/CD): decided to consult the Venice Commission on the legal framework and possible ameliorations to be made to them and on the feasibility of recommending the setting-up of specific human rights institutions; decided to ask the Bureau to authorise the Rapporteur to accompany the Sub-Committee of the Political Affairs Committee (Sub-Committee on the Middle-East) to Israel and the Territories under the control of the Palestinian National Authority in January 2001; and appointed Mr Lintner Rapporteur for opinion on the situation in the Middle-East (subject to confirmation by the Bureau);

-        Motion for an order on the establishment of an ad hoc committee on crimes connected to paedophilia: instructed Mr McNamara to submit a memorandum on the subject at its next meeting;

-        Standards for the political handling of dealings concerning property after World War II (Rapporteur: Mr Jurgens, Netherlands, SOC): agreed to the Rapporteur being assisted by a consultant-expert;

-        Situation in the Chechen Republic (Rapporteur for opinion: Mr Bindig, Germany, SOC): in the absence of the Rapporteur, heard a statement by Mr Tallo on the hearing organised by the Political Affairs Committee in Brussels on 21-22 November 2000, and decided to invite the NGO «Memorial» to its next meeting;

-    Next meetings:

·       Paris, 18 December 2000, at 9 h 30 (National Assembly)

·       Strasbourg, during the Assembly's January 2001 part-session

·       Paris, 5 March 2001, at 9 h 30 (National Assembly)


 Allard A. Plate, Tanja Kleinsorge, David Cupina