Synopsis No. 2001/060 rev.

23 May 2001


The Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography, meeting in Baku (Azerbaijan) from 17 to 19 May 2001 with Mr Iwinski (Poland, SOC) in the Chair:

As regards:

          Refugees and displaced persons in the South Caucasus (Rapporteur: Mrs Vermot-Mangold, Switzerland, SOC):

          UNHCR and the 50th anniversary of the Geneva Convention (Rapporteur: Mrs Aguiar, Portugal, EPP/CD): approved a draft report and adopted a draft recommendation as amended;

          Activities of the Council of Europe's Development Bank: hold an exchange of views with Mr Guglielmino, Vice-Governor of the Development Bank, and appointed Mr Díaz de Mera (Spain, EPP/CD) rapporteur for opinion, replacing Mrs Zapfl-Helbling (Switzerland, EPP/CD);

           Humanitarian situation of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Chechnya (Rapporteur: Mr Iwinski, Poland, SOC): was informed on the humanitarian situation in Chechnya and hold an exchange of views with Mr Blochin, Minister on Federation issues, nationalities and migration policies, Russia;

           The situation of refugees and displaced persons in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Rapporteur: Mr Iwinski, Poland, SOC): was informed by Lord Judd on the state of preparation of the meeting of the Sub-Committee on Refugees and the Conference on the subject, to be held in Belgrade on 5-6 June 2001;  

           Conference on "irregular migration and dignity of migrants: cooperation in the Mediterranean region" (organised by the European Committee on Migration (CDMG), in Athens on 3-4 October 2001): took note of the following candidatures to be part of an ad hoc Sub-Committee to attend the Conference (subject to authorisation by the Bureau): Mrs Aguiar (Portugal, EPP/CD), Mr Akhvlediani (Georgia, LDR), Mrs Bušic (Croatia, EPP/CD), Mr Christodoulides (Cyprus, UEL), Mr Cilevics (Latvia, SOC), Mr Connor (Ireland, EPP/CD), Mr Gross (Switzerland, SOC), Mr Koulouris (Greece, SOC) (Alternate: Mrs Kanelli (Greece, UEL)), Mr Liapis (Greece, EPP/CD) (Alternate: Mrs Katseli (Greece, SOC)), Mr Libicki (Poland, EDG), Mr Mutman (Turkey, SOC), Mrs Shakhtakhtinskaya (Azerbaijan, EDG), Mrs Vermot-Mangold (Switzerland, SOC), Mr Yáñez-Barnuevo (Spain, SOC) and Mrs Zwerver (Netherlands, SOC) , and agreed to decide on the composition of the ad hoc Sub-Committee at its next meeting;

                     Committee's priorities and work programme in 2001: held an exchange of views;

           Appointment of Rapporteurs:

§          Migration connected with trafficking in women and prostitution: Mrs Zwerver (Netherlands, SOC), for opinion; 

                     Representation of the Committee at various events – reports by:

§           Mrs Bušic (Croatia, EPP/CD) on the meeting of the MP Network for South Eastern Europe, Skopje, 26-27 February 2001; 

§           Mrs Bušic (Croatia, EPP/CD) on the meeting on "The role of NGOs: from refuge to durable solutions in the Caucasus – constraints, dilemmas and possibilities", Baku, 12-14 March 2001;

§           Mr Tkác (Slovakia, EDG) on the meeting of the Specialist Group on Roma/Gypsies, Strasbourg, 10-11 April 2001;

          Appointment of representatives:

§         Mrs Vermot-Mangold (Switzerland, SOC), Rapporteur for opinion, for a visit to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (10-13 June 2001) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (10-15 September 2001), subject to the authorisation by the Bureau, with Mrs Biga-Friganovic (Croatia, SOC), Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee, on social measures for children of war in South-Eastern Europe, it being understood that no expenses occur for the Parliamentary Assembly;

§         Mr Luis (Portugal, SOC) to the Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Agriculture (jointly organised by the Committee on the Environment and Agriculture of the Parliamentary Assembly and the European Parliament), Strasbourg, 14-15 June 2001;

§         Mr Iwinski (Poland, SOC) and Mrs Vermot-Mangold (Switzerland, SOC) to the Seminary on "Human rights standards applying to the holding of aliens wishing to enter a Council of Europe member State and to the enforcement of any expulsion orders", Strasbourg, 20-22 June 2001

§         Mr Connor (Ireland, EPP/CD) and Mr Cilevics (Latvia, SOC) to the Special Hearing on the Future of Asylum and Migration, organised by the Society for International Development (SID), The Hague, 14-15 September 2001;

§         Mrs Bušic (Croatia, EPP/CD) and Mr Libicki (Poland, EDG) as representatives to the ad hoc Committee set up by the Bureau to co-operate in the preparation of, and participate in the Joint NGO/Parliamentarians' Conference on "Citizenship, solidarity: what sort of Europe do we want?", Strasbourg, 6-7 November 2001;

                     Sub-committees: decided to repeat the election of the Vice-Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on Migration, as Mr von Schmude (Germany, EPP/CD) was not a full member of this Sub-Committee at the time when the election was held in Strasbourg on 23 April 2001;

                     Decided to hold its next meetings as follows: 

     Belgrade, 5-6 June 2001, Sub-Committee on refugees (Conference on refugees and displaced persons in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)

     Strasbourg, during the 3rd part of the session 2001 (25-29 June 2001)

     Geneva, 3-4 September 2001, Plenary Committee (Conference on the displacement of population in Europe) (subject to authorisation by the Bureau)

     Strasbourg, during the 4th part of the session 2001 (24-28 September 2001)

     Yalta (Ukraine), 5-6 October 2001, Plenary Committee (Conference on the follow-up to the Recommendation on repatriation and integration of the Tatars of Crimea) (subject to authorisation by the Bureau)

     Budapest, 15-16 November 2001, Sub-Committee on Migration, in cooperation with the European Youth Centre (Hearing on the specific problems of young migrants) (subject to authorisation by the Bureau)

     Paris or Brussels*, December 2001, Plenary Committee (subject to confirmation *and authorisation by the Bureau).


Halvor Lervik/Agnieszka Nachilo/Markus Adelsbach