All texts and votes

Alejandro ALONSO

Alejandro  ALONSO

Congreso de los Diputados
Calle Floridablanca s/n
ES - 28071
BE Spain

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 24/06/2014 | Doc. 13546 | Motion for a resolution The armed occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia
  • 06/10/2011 | Doc. 12765 | Written declaration Protection of Camp Ashraf
  • 28/01/2009 | Doc. 11816 | Motion for a resolution Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): a solution for the future?
  • 10/10/2008 | Doc. 11740 | Motion for a resolution Geothermal Energy: a solution for the future?
  • 01/10/2008 | Doc. 11729 | Motion for a recommendation Drafting an additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights, concerning the right to a healthy environment