Help - On-line speaker registration on the PACE website

To simplify the registration procedure with the Table Office, secretariats of national delegations and political groups will be able to register parliamentarians of their respective delegation or group  in the speakers’ lists for debates or questions to VIPs.

Direct access to the debate list

  • Access to the list of debates

    Each secretariat of a national delegation or political group receives an access code (identifier and password) specific to their secretariat. A webpage allows log-on and access to the list of debates given on the agenda for the next part-session. Registration is possible following the publication of the draft agenda as approved by the Bureau, but will be closed in conformity with Rule of Procedure.
  • The registration process

    The user chooses the relevant debate from the list and a page of two columns appears: on the left a list of all the members of the delegation or group concerned but not yet registered in that debate, on the right a list of registered members in chronological order of registration. A  (+) button allows the addition of a member (who moves from the left to the right column). It should be noted that any member un-registered then re-registered will move to the bottom of the list.
  • Current registration preview

    A list of current registrations (with registered members) is only visible from the Monday morning of the part-session.

The user can request (highly recommended) receipt of a copy of the register for their own delegation or group secretariat by email by clicking on the “envelope” icon shown on the form.