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Opinion 2 (1952)

Granting of consultative status to certain trade union organisations

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - ThisOpinion was adopted by the Assembly at its Twenty-first Sitting, 26thSeptember, 1952 (see Doc. 68, Report ofthe Committee on Social Questions).

The Assembly,

Having received from the Committee of Ministers a Request for an Opinion

(a) on the principle of granting to the International Confederation of Christian Trade Unions and the European Regional Organisation of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions consultative status with the Council of Europe ;

b) on the provisions which it would be expedient to insert in the agreements to be concluded in order to determine the relationship between the Assembly and these organisations,

Considering that it would be of advantage for the Council of Europe, as its work develops, to maintain close contact with labour organisations ;

Being of the opinion that this contact could be best established through international organisations representing large sections of public opinion ;

Considering that the establishment of relations with such organisations might assist in spreading a knowledge of the aims and achievements of the Council of Europe,

Expresses the opinion,

(a) that consultative status should be granted by the Council of Europe to the two above-mentioned international federations of Trade Unions ;

(b) that relations between the Consultative Assembly and the trade union organisations in question should be established on the basis suggested in the Memorandum by the Secretariat-General.