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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 13059 | 30 November 2012

Intercountry adoption: ensuring that the best interests of the child are upheld

Signatories: Mr René ROUQUET, France, SOC ; Mr Christian BATAILLE, France, SOC ; Ms Estelle GRELIER, France, SOC ; Mr Jean-Yves LE DÉAUT, France, SOC ; Mr François LONCLE, France, SOC ; Mr Gérard TERRIER, France, SOC

Origin - 2012 - November Standing Committee

In the draft resolution, paragraph 2, replace the words “from the context of its biological family” with the following words:

“from the context of its family environment”.

Explanatory note

Intercountry adoption results in the child being removed not only from its biological family but also from its entire family environment.