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Amendment No. 18 | Doc. 13451 | 08 April 2014

Improving user protection and security in cyberspace

Signatories: Mr Jean-Yves LE DÉAUT, France, SOC ; Ms Maryvonne BLONDIN, France, SOC ; Ms Bernadette BOURZAI, France, SOC ; Mr Pierre-Yves LE BORGN', France, SOC ; Mr Thierry MARIANI, France, EPP/CD ; Mr Jean-Pierre MICHEL, France, SOC ; Mr Jean-Claude MIGNON, France, EPP/CD ; Mr René ROUQUET, France, SOC

Origin - 2014 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 6.11, replace the words "and in-house ombudspersons" with the following sentence:

"and an easily accessible ombudsman with an obligation to respond, should be appointed by each Internet service provider".

Explanatory note

This amendment clarifies the concept of ombudsman and strengthens paragraph 6.11, which indicates that service providers must make it possible for users to lodge complaints. This is completely impossible in the current context.