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Amendment No. 19 | Doc. 13451 | 08 April 2014

Improving user protection and security in cyberspace

Signatories: Mr Jean-Yves LE DÉAUT, France, SOC ; Ms Maryvonne BLONDIN, France, SOC ; Ms Bernadette BOURZAI, France, SOC ; Mr Pierre-Yves LE BORGN', France, SOC ; Mr Thierry MARIANI, France, EPP/CD ; Mr Jean-Pierre MICHEL, France, SOC ; Mr Jean-Claude MIGNON, France, EPP/CD ; Mr René ROUQUET, France, SOC

Origin - 2014 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 6.12, insert the following paragraph:

“Governments and service providers should undertake an ambitious plan to educate users in security operations.”

Explanatory note

The first stage in greater security is to educate users. They must be helped to recognise suspicious situations and have the reflex to update their anti-virus software and to clean up their computers just like the automatic reflex to put on a safety belt in a car.