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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 13511 | 23 June 2014

Child-friendly juvenile justice: from rhetoric to reality

Signatories: Ms Andreja ČRNAK MEGLIČ, Slovenia, SOC ; Ms Iva DIMIC, Slovenia, EPP/CD ; Ms Polonca KOMAR, Slovenia, ALDE ; Ms Aleksandra OSTERMAN, Slovenia, ALDE ; Mr Jakob PRESEČNIK, Slovenia, EPP/CD

Origin - 2014 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 6.1, add the following words:

"in particular, the institution of a Child Advocate, following the positive practice of some member States;"

Explanatory note

A Child Advocate is a key instrument to empower children as subjects and not only objects of rights (and duties) and to implement commitments in Article 12 of the Convention of the Child, and to provide that the best interests of the child are always taken into account.