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Amendment No. 11 | Doc. 13588 | 30 September 2014

The functioning of democratic institutions in Georgia

Signatories: Ms Guguli MAGRADZE, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Ingrid ANTIČEVIĆ MARINOVIĆ, Croatia, SOC ; Ms Eka BESELIA, Georgia, SOC ; Mr Arcadio DÍAZ TEJERA, Spain, SOC ; Mr Gvozden Srećko FLEGO, Croatia, SOC ; Mr Ivan POPESCU, Ukraine, SOC

Origin - 2014 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 5.4, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

"while welcoming the recent decrease in its use, the Assembly encourages the authorities to take further measures to limit the use of pre-trial detention in Georgia."

Explanatory note

The use of pre-trial detention is no longer widespread in Georgia. The approval of pre-trial detention has dropped very significantly to 26.7% of cases in 2013, as compared to 42.4% in 2012. This reflects the new independence of the judiciary.