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Amendment No. 18 | Doc. 13866 | 28 September 2015

After Dublin – the urgent need for a real European asylum system

Signatories: Mr Reha DENEMEÇ, Turkey, EC ; Mr Süreyya Sadi BİLGİÇ, Turkey, EC ; Mr Ahmet Berat ÇONKAR, Turkey, EC ; Mr Şaban DİŞLİ, Turkey, EPP/CD ; Ms Tülin ERKAL KARA, Turkey, EC ; Mr Mustafa Sait GÖNEN, Turkey, EC ; Mr Ekmeleddin Mehmet İHSANOĞLU, Turkey, EC ; Mr Suat ÖNAL, Turkey, EC ; Mr Ali ŞAHİN, Turkey, EC

Origin - 2015 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 4, insert the following paragraph:

"The dysfunctionality inherent in the Dublin system has its adverse effects beyond the borders of the EU. The core of the system which stipulates the transfer of refugees to the first country of entry to the EU has brought about an additional, often hidden unfairness: that the first country of entry to the EU tends to reject the asylum application artificially in order to be in a position to send these asylum seekers to the last transit country in which they had been present before entry into the EU. This puts an additional and unfair burden on non-EU Council of Europe member states which are mainly on the transit route."

Explanatory note

The adverse effects caused by the Dublin system to the Council of Europe member States which are not members of the EU should be taken into account with a view to reaching a better understanding of the consequences of the Dublin system in all Europe.