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Amendment No. 9 | Doc. 14014 | 19 April 2016

A stronger European response to the Syrian refugee crisis

Signatories: Mr Tobias BILLSTRÖM, Sweden, EPP/CD ; Ms Boriana ÅBERG, Sweden, EPP/CD ; Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Ms Ingjerd SCHOU, Norway, EPP/CD ; Ms Alina ZOTEA, Republic of Moldova, ALDE

Origin - 2016 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 7.6 with the following paragraph:

"in particular, cases of family reunification should be granted in view of the circumstances regarding the economic sustainability of the person already granted a residency permit in the country of destination in Europe, as well as the ability of that person to support the reunified family in the country through other means than state subsidies. Only in special cases should this principle be waivered."