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Amendment No. 8 | Doc. 14078 | 22 June 2016

The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey

Signatories: Mr Andrej HUNKO, Germany, UEL ; Mr Matjaž HANŽEK, Slovenia, UEL ; Ms Filiz KERESTECİOĞLU DEMİR, Turkey, UEL ; Mr Ertuğrul KÜRKÇÜ, Turkey, UEL ; Mr George LOUCAIDES, Cyprus, UEL ; Mr Hişyar ÖZSOY, Turkey, UEL ; Mr Nikolaj VILLUMSEN, Denmark, UEL

Origin - 2016 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 10 with the following paragraph:

"The security operations have dramatically intensified in south-east Turkey since August 2015. Despite assurances by the Turkish authorities to keep a balance between freedom and security in the police and military operations in south-east Turkey, so as to protect citizens' right to life, which is the most fundamental right, and to ensure public security, the Assembly is very worried about the human consequences of the unprecedented months-long, round-the-clock curfews imposed in 22 districts, including Sur, Silvan (province of Diyarbakır), Nusaybin, Dargeçit (province of Mardin), Sirnak Centre, Cizre, Silopi, Idil (provinice of Sirnak) and Yüksekova (province of Hakkari). These curfews are affecting 1.6 million people and have resulted in the displacement of at least 355 000 people and in restrictions in access to water, electricity, education and health care, including emergency medical care, which has proved fatal for many residents. At least 338 civilians have been reported dead by the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey as of 20 April 2016. According to the Ministry of the Interior, between July 2015 and 13 May 2016, these operations have resulted in 458 security officers being killed and 3 321 wounded, while the Turkish Chief of Staff announced that 2 583 PKK members were killed inside Turkish territory and 2 366 others in Iraq during airstrikes, as of 23 May 2016."