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Amendment No. 23 | Doc. 14229 | 23 January 2017

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe

Signatories: Mr Yves CRUCHTEN, Luxembourg, SOC ; Mr Boriss CILEVIÄŒS, Latvia, SOC ; Ms Kerstin LUNDGREN, Sweden, ALDE ; Mr Pieter OMTZIGT, Netherlands, EPP/CD ; Mr Nikolaj VILLUMSEN, Denmark, UEL

Origin - 2017 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 4.3, insert the following paragraph:

"Rasim Aliyev, Azerbaijani journalist and Chairman of the Institute for Reporters' Safety and Freedom (IRFS), who died in a Baku hospital on 9 August 2015. He had been severely beaten the day before, following continual threats and intimidation via social media networks in the three weeks leading up to his death."

Explanatory note

Rasim Aliyev had been receiving threatening messages connected to photos he posted online showing police brutality and social discontent. The authorities dismissed any political motivation behind the murder and argued that the attackers were football fans who had since been convicted.