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Sub-Amendment to Amendment No. 25 | Doc. 14229 | 24 January 2017

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe

Signatories: Mr Dominik TARCZYŃSKI, Poland, EC ; Mr Marek AST, Poland, EC ; Mr Włodzimierz BERNACKI, Poland, EC ; Mr Józef LEŚNIAK, Poland, EC ; Mr Andrzej WOJTYŁA, Poland, EC

Origin - 2017 - First part-session

In amendment 25, replace the words:

"passed an act on the National Media Council - a new body with the power to nominate and dismiss management and supervisory boards of public media - thus enhancing the influence of the governing majority over public media, the Assembly asks the Venice Commission to prepare an opinion on this law. The Assembly also deplores the fact that recommendations by the Constitutional Tribunal on this act have not been implemented. The Assembly regrets the dismissal of over 200 journalists from public media posts and calls on the Polish authorities to refrain from further actions in that direction and to work towards the depoliticisation of the media and their controlling institutions."

with the following words:

"passed, as an interim law, an act on the National Media Council - a new pluralistic body with the power to nominate and dismiss management and supervisory boards of public media - thus enhancing the influence of the governing majority over public media, the Assembly holds this matter under consideration. The Assembly further notes that the Polish authorities have confirmed that the opinion of Council of Europe experts will be taken into account in the legislative process."