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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 14341 | 27 June 2017

Human rights implications of the European response to transit migration across the Mediterranean

Signatories: Ms Serap YAŞAR, Turkey, EC ; Ms Lütfiye İlksen CERİTOĞLU KURT, Turkey, EC ; Ms Emine Nur GÜNAY, Turkey, EC ; Mr Talip KÜÇÜKCAN, Turkey, EC ; Mr Suat ÖNAL, Turkey, EC ; Ms Leyla ŞAHİN USTA, Turkey, EC ; Ms Zühal TOPCU, Turkey, EC

Origin - 2017 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, delete paragraph 3.

Explanatory note

This is a baseless discussion as nobody is in a position to assess Turkey's "safety" for Syrians who found refuge and are accomodated in Turkey since 2011. Turkey's tremendous efforts for the well-being of more than 3 million Syrians are obvious and acknowledged by the international community.