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Amendment No. 3 | Doc. 14434 | 10 November 2017

Child-friendly age assessment for unaccompanied migrant children

Signatories: Mr Killion MUNYAMA, Poland, EPP/CD ; Mr Jokin BILDARRATZ, Spain, ALDE ; Mr Roland Rino BÜCHEL, Switzerland, ALDE ; Mr Raphaël COMTE, Switzerland, ALDE ; Mr Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ, Switzerland, SOC ; Mr Michael Aastrup JENSEN, Denmark, ALDE

Origin - 2017 - November Standing Committee

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 6.6 with the following paragraph:

"ensure that all medical examinations are sensitive to the child's gender, culture and vulnerabilities and that the interpretation of results takes into account the child's national and social origin as well as previous experiences;"