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Amendment No. 2 | Doc. 14510 | 23 April 2018

Funding of the terrorist group Daesh: lessons learned

Signatories: Ms Melisa RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Spain, ALDE ; Mr Jokin BILDARRATZ, Spain, ALDE ; Mr José CEPEDA, Spain, SOC ; Mr Simonas GENTVILAS, Lithuania, ALDE ; Mr Aleksandar STEVANOVIĆ, Serbia, ALDE ; Mr Jordi XUCLÀ, Spain, ALDE

Origin - 2018 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 12.11, insert the following paragraph:

"oblige banks to monitor pre-paid debit cards, so as to ensure that they can only be reloaded via bank transfers and personally identifiable accounts;".

Explanatory note

Pre-paid debit cards have proved to be one of the main instruments used to fund terrorist acts.