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Amendment No. 4 | Doc. 14583 | 08 October 2018

The treatment of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system

Signatories: Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Sir Jeffrey DONALDSON, United Kingdom, EC ; Mr Georgii LOGVYNSKYI, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Rónán MULLEN, Ireland, EPP/CD ; Mr Davor Ivo STIER, Croatia, EPP/CD ; Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD

Origin - 2018 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 5 with the following paragraph:

"According to UNICEF and a number of NGOs (international, Palestinian and Israeli), there are instances of ill-treatment of Palestinian minors in the military juvenile justice system of Israel. Israeli treatment of Palestinian minors should be assessed in accordance with the standards of applicable international humanitarian law."