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Amendment No. 7 | Doc. 14619 | 09 October 2018

Unlimited access to member States, including “grey zones”, by Council of Europe and United Nations human rights monitoring bodies

Signatories: Ms Tamar CHUGOSHVILI, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Eka BESELIA, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Nino GOGUADZE, Georgia, EC ; Ms Sofio KATSARAVA, Georgia, SOC ; Mr Zviad KVATCHANTIRADZE, Georgia, SOC

Origin - 2018 - Fourth part-session

In the draft recommendation, paragraph 2, last sentence, replace the word "through" with the word "on".

Explanatory note

In some circumstances, the States exercising effective control over the occupied regions prevent the presence of the international monitoring on the ground. Therefore, it is important that the international community continues to put pressure on the State exercising effective control.