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Report | Doc. 52 | 10 May 1951

Co-ordination of the Economies of Member States of the Council of Europe with those of Overseas Countries

Committee on Economic Affairs and Development

Rapporteur : Lord Robert BOOTHBY, United Kingdom

Origin - See Doc. 39. 1951 - 3rd Session - First part

A. Explanatory Statement



During its Eighth Sitting the Assembly referred to the Committee on Economic Questions for its views a proposal of Mr. Macmillan inviting the Committee to prepare a study of the co-ordination of the economies of Member States of the Council of Europe with those of Overseas Countries.

In view of the fact that 0. E. E. C. is already engaged on a study of this problem, the Committee proposes that the Assembly should adopt the following draft Recommendation.

B. Draft Recommendation


" The Assembly,

Recommends that the Committee of Ministers should request the 0. E. E. C. to undertake a study of appropriate means for effecting a closer co-ordination between the economies of Member States of the Council of Europe and those of the Overseas Countries having constitutional links with them, and should report thereon. "