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Amendment No. 13 | Doc. 14971 | 02 October 2019

Saving lives in the Mediterranean Sea: the need for an urgent response

Signatories: Ms Zeynep YILDIZ, Turkey, NR ; Mr Ziya ALTUNYALDIZ, Turkey, NR ; Mr Ali ŞAHİN, Turkey, NR ; Mr Zafer SIRAKAYA, Turkey, NR ; Ms Serap YAŞAR, Turkey, NR

Origin - 2019 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 4.1, insert the following paragraph:

"recalling Resolution 2299(2019) on pushback policies and practice in Council of Europe member States, refrain from any action leading to pushbacks or collective expulsions, for these acts constitute a violation of rights of international asylum law, the right to asylum, the right to be protected against refoulement and the right to access an asylum procedure;"

Explanatory note

Pushback actions not only threaten refugees and migrants' lives, but also constitute a serious violation of the principle of non-refoulement stated in the Geneva Convention. Therefore, it should be referred to in the resolution.