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Amendment No. 26 | Doc. 14971 | 02 October 2019

Saving lives in the Mediterranean Sea: the need for an urgent response

Signatories: Mr Norbert KLEINWAECHTER, Germany, NR ; Mr Bob De BRABANDERE, Belgium, NR ; Mr Koloman BRENNER, Hungary, NR ; Mr Tom van GRIEKEN, Belgium, NR ; Mr Martin HEBNER, Germany, NR ; Mr Jiři KOBZA, Czech Republic, NR

Origin - 2019 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 4.12, delete the following words:

", and that once rescued at sea, migrants are brought to safe places of reception where their basic needs are provided for by adequate living conditions, appropriate conditions to uphold the right to apply for asylum and for asylum procedures to be dealt with efficiently. Specific attention should be given to the care and conditions of children, and the provision of child-friendly support and information".