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Amendment No. 5 | Doc. 14955 | 02 October 2019

A legal status for "climate refugees"

Signatories: Mr Martin HEBNER, Germany, NR ; Mr Bob De BRABANDERE, Belgium, NR ; Mr Tom van GRIEKEN, Belgium, NR ; Mr Paolo GRIMOLDI, Italy, NR ; Mr Norbert KLEINWAECHTER, Germany, NR ; Ms Monika MÜHLWERTH, Austria, NR ; Mr Ulrich OEHME, Germany, NR

Origin - 2019 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 5.2.4, replace the words "while acknowledging the multiple causes of displacement which mean that climate change and conflict/violence interact." with the following words:

"which means that overpopulation can cause environmental and climate change and, therefore, also conflict/violence as a consequence."

Explanatory note

It is essential to be open-minded while starting specific and local research about the reasons for displacement to strengthen the affected society and to avoid disaster.

It is counterproductive to limit the research according to ideological or political restrictions. Furthermore, in much more densely populated Europe, it is impossible to host all of Africa.