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Written question No. 744 to the Committee of Ministers | Doc. 15010 | 06 December 2019

Tragic situation in Iran

Question from Mr Manuel VESCOVI, Italy, NR

Following the recent protests against the regime in Iran due to the sharp rise in gasoline prices, the Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed deep concern on 19 November 2019 that "the use of live ammunition in tackling the riots has allegedly caused a significant number of deaths throughout the country". The Iranian media and several other sources report about dozens – perhaps hundreds – of people who may have been killed or injured during the protests. Many of those who were arrested as a result of these events are now threatened with the death penalty on charges of armed revolt against the authorities and the principles of the Islamic Republic.

Mr Vescovi

To ask the Committee of Ministers,

Does the Committee of Ministers intend to call upon the member States of the Council of Europe to officially condemn the indiscriminate repression of protests and the disproportionate use of force by the Iranian authorities, to call for the death penalty not to be imposed under any circumstances on those convicted and to release those arrested following the said events?