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Amendment No. 2 | Doc. 15024 | 29 January 2020

Complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of its statutory obligations

Signatories: Mr Tiny KOX, Netherlands, UEL ; Ms Rósa Björk BRYNJÓLFSDÓTTIR, Iceland, UEL ; Mr Antonio GUTIÉRREZ, Spain, SOC ; Mr Aleksander POCIEJ, Poland, EPP/CD ; Mr Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria, SOC

Origin - 2020 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 7.2 with the following paragraph:

"the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, acting on behalf of the Assembly, will consider approving the Roadmap at the meeting which immediately follows the submission of the text by the Secretary General."