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Amendment No. 44 | Doc. 15025 | 27 January 2020

The functioning of democratic institutions in Poland

Signatories: Mr Maurizio BUCCARELLA, Italy, NR ; Ms Doris BARNETT, Germany, SOC ; Mr Gerardo GIOVAGNOLI, San Marino, SOC ; Mr Andreas NICK, Germany, EPP/CD ; Mr Christian PETRY, Germany, SOC

Origin - 2020 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 10, insert the following paragraph:

"The Assembly is concerned by the Amendments to the Law on Common Courts, the Law on the Supreme Court and some other laws, or so-called "disciplinary law" passed through the Sejm on 23 January 2020, which seem to strengthen the political control over judges. These changes are unacceptable and further undermine the independence of the judiciary, as noted in Opinion No. 977/2019 of the Venice Commission."