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Amendment No. 12 | Doc. 15026 | 29 January 2020

Missing refugee and migrant children in Europe

Signatories: Ms Zeynep YILDIZ, Turkey, NR ; Mr Mehmet Mehdi EKER, Turkey, NR ; Ms Emine Nur GÜNAY, Turkey, NR ; Mr Akif Çağatay KILIÇ, Turkey, NR ; Mr Ali ŞAHİN, Turkey, NR

Origin - 2020 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 4.6, insert the following words: "The Parliamentary Assembly should set an example by publishing, through its various media resources, a database of good practices for preventing disappearances and searching for missing children with a view to reunification with their families;"

Explanatory note

Preventing the disappearance of and reuniting these children with their families are among the objectives of this report. The examples of good practice and success stories should be brought to the attention of the European public. It is most appropriate to use the Council of Europe's media resources to that end.