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Amendment No. 2 | Doc. 15084 | 16 June 2020

Empowering women: promoting access to contraception in Europe

Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination

Origin - 2020 - June Standing Committee

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 9.4, insert the following paragraph:

"as regards the response to the COVID-19 pandemic:

x.x.x consider access to contraception, including emergency contraception, and maternal healthcare before, during and after childbirth, as essential health care services to be maintained during the crisis and take all necessary accompanying measures to guarantee the provision of and access to such services;

x.x.x. guarantee access without discrimination to sexual and reproductive healthcare services and facilitate it, including by authorising telephone and online consultations and access to contraception without prescription, particularly in the case of the restriction of people’s movement in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic; and maintain in force such measures, in so far as possible, after the end of the health crisis."