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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 88 | 29 November 1951

Certain limited measures which are desirable pending the attainment of a real European Federation

Signatories: Mr GĂ©rard JAQUET, France

The Assembly,

Affirming that its aim continues to be the establishment of a real Federation of all the free peoples of Europe,

Regretfully realising that a number of European democratic nations do not yet appear prepared to accept the transfer, at a European level, of some of their sovereign rights,

Finding itself therefore faced with the necessity of proposing a number of limited measures enabling at least initial steps to be taken in the desired direction,

Accepting, with this in mind, the proposal made by the Committee on General Affairs for the convening of a Conference of representatives of the Governements and Parliaments of democratic Europe and of the European Consultative Assembly,

Believing, however, that invitations to such a Conference should also be extended to representatives of European organisations contained within the European Movement,

1. Desires forthwith to make clear its views on the partial measures which must be contemplated in order to make the work of such a Conference more effective :

a. Specialised Authorities accessible to all at all times must be set up in all vital sectors of European life. Each Authority shall be headed by a European High Commissioner;
b. It is obvious that a really unified European Army will necessitate the establishment of a real political authority; this authority might consist of a Council of Ministers of the States participating in the European Army. Such a Council of Ministers would take decisions b y a majority vote, would appoint a High Commissioner and would be mainly responsible for defining a common diplomatic policy;
c. A European organisation would be responsible for the co-ordination of the work of all the European High Commissioners;
d. The Consultative Assembly, believing that it would be dangerous to set up separate parliaments for the purpose of controlling the various Specialised Authorities, requests that the establishment of a single Assembly to include all the representatives of the nations of democratic Europe be considered forthwith. This single Assembly would be responsible for the control of the Specialised Authorities as a whole;
e. The representatives of nations not participating in all or any of the Authorities so established shall attend the Assembly proceedings as observers. Their particular function will be to bring about the establishment of close organic links between their nations and the European Authorities ;
f. The Consultative Assembly believes that this single Assembly would have greater authority if its members were elected by universal suffrage.

2. Requests therefore that Governments of Member States should examine as soon as possible ways and means of putting such a measure into practice.