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Motion for a recommendation | Doc. 92 | 30 September 1952

Establishment of a European linguistic community based on the application of Anglo-French bilingualism

Signatories: Mr GĂ©rard JAQUET, France

The Assembly,

Considering that, of all the obstacles which stand in the way of establishing closer relationship between the citizens of the different European nations, linguistic barriers are certainly the greatest;

Considering that a common language would allow the creation as between the different Member States of that elementary understanding of one another, which is so essential in the formation of any human community;

Considering that the Conference for the Organisation of the Atlantic Community, meeting at Oxford from 9th to 13th September, 1952, unanimously adopted in the names of the 14 representatives of the Atlantic nations a motion recommending the use of French and English to solve this problem of fostering better understanding between the New World and the Old;

1. Is of the opinion that, for these reasons, Anglo-French bilingualism appears to be'the only solution which will at the same time admit of the facilitating of conversations between the Continental Community and the other Member States, and their extension to the countries of the Atlantic Treaty and the Free World;

3. Desires that this agreement on principle should be followed as soon as possible :

on the one hand, by more definite agreements on the part of French and English-speaking countries, for the purpose of introducing teaching on these lines into their primary schools ;
on the other hand, by regional conventions, which would allow the other countries to make a choice in accordance with their own special needs.