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Report | Doc. 608 | 09 January 1957

Assistance for Hungarian refugee students

Committee on Culture, Science and Education

Rapporteur : Mr Karl BØGHOLM, Denmark

A. Draft Recommendation


The Assembly,

Considering t h a t the responsibility for affording Hungarian refugee students an opport u n i t y to complete their studies falls entirely on the countries of Western Europe;

Having noted with satisfaction the steps taken by several universities and member countries in this connection,

Recommends to the Committee of Ministers :

1. t h a t it should instruct the Secretary- General to get into touch with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees with a view to obtaining before the next Session information on the position of Hungarian refugee students in member countries;
2. t h a t it should examine, in the light of this information, the possibility of making available to Hungarian refugee students as soon as possible a university education which would enable them to preserve the cultural heritage of the Hungarian nation