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Amendment No. 7 | Doc. 14569 | 25 June 2018

The humanitarian situation of refugees in the countries neighbouring Syria

Signatories: Mr Akif Çağatay KILIÇ, Turkey, EC ; Mr Yasin AKTAY, Turkey, FDG ; Ms Ganira PASHAYEVA, Azerbaijan, FDG ; Mr Samad SEYIDOV, Azerbaijan, EC ; Mr Yıldırım Tuğrul TÜRKEŞ, Turkey, EC ; Mr Mustafa YENEROĞLU, Turkey, FDG

Origin - 2018 - Third part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 13.2, replace the words "return to" with the following words:

"continue pursuing"

Explanatory note

Turkey has been pursuing open-door policy since the onset of the Syrian crisis. There are no cases of forced returns. The fact that there are already 3 589 384 Syrians in Turkey clearly demonstrates that Turkey pursues an open-door policy.